Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Random Observations

Last night I tried really hard to shut my brain off from ‘work mode.’ Karlo and I drive side by side in the car, without saying a word to each other. We are both so far off in our own little worlds. At one point I asked him, “What are you thinking about?” and he said, “Work.” I knew the feeling. That was exactly where I was too and it’s pathetic. Is it not bad enough we have to spend 9 hours a day in the office working like dogs? Then we leave the building to go home (physically), but mentally we’re still there. I hate it.

So I tried to force myself not to think about work during our hike. That’s when stupid random observations come to me. The strongest one being the big flaw with God’s life design. Something went serious wrong with His plan. How is it possible that the smallest and most insignificant creatures – the lowest ones on the food chain, put here only to serve as snacks for insects – can completely and utterly ruin the day of the highest creatures on the food chain. Doesn’t that just seem ridiculous to you? Here we are, the superior humans . . . nothing else can compare to us (OK, maybe the monkeys) and yet we can’t figure out a way to eliminate the constant annoyance of those freakin’ tiny bugs from buzzing all over heads, into our eyes and ears. They totally ruin my good time and it drives me insane. I get mad at the bugs and I launch into this deep analysis entitled, “What the hell was God thinking when He made this plan?”

From there I started to think about retirement and where I want to live. Karlo and I have been thinking about this lately, pondering where we want to be. Do we want to live by the sea, in the mountains, in the desert, close to civilization, near big attractions? We just can’t seem to decide. But last night I think I made one huge decision. I want to live where there are far less bugs. Forget school systems, tax rates, crime rate, etc. All I want to know is the strength of the flying bug population.

My other random observation came during dinner. We went to a local roadside shack for dinner and ordered fish burgers. I had this vision in my head of the fish burgers we recently had in Mystic and I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into it. But when it arrived I was quite disappointed. Instead of a freshly battered and fried piece of fish it was a perfect greasy square of ‘fish parts.’ This may have been one step up from McDonalds, but I doubt it. I still can’t believe I ate that ‘thing.’ And that’s when it hit me that I will never again eat any square fish or poultry - or meat of any kind. If the food processing plants are going to work hard to make perfectly square fish why don’t they at least squish the parts into fish shape forms?

1 comment:

tina said...

You guys just crack me up :)