Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What a Night

Last night was a nighmare! No wait, having a nightmare would infer that I actually slept. This was worse than a nightmare. The only positive part about the whole thing, (and I’m still in shock over this), was that it happened while Karlo was home and not while he was away. I’m not quite sure how that happened. The house Gods must be turning.

So here’s the scenario. We go to bed at our normal 10 PM only I’m not tired. Not tired? How can that be? I have no good reason for that. I’m always tired. But last night I laid there restless in bed. I think I finally fell asleep somewhere past midnight and then was awoken by an obnoxious blaring BEEEEEEP. What the? Its about 2:30 AM and I fell like I’m half dead.

Karlo reached for his numerous alarm devices: cell phone, watch, travel clock. But it was just one beep and went away. Two minutes later . . . BEEEEEEEEEP. Again, reach over to the night stand, knock half the items to the floor. Again it goes away.

This happens another half dozen times over the next 10 minutes. What on earth is going on? Finally I figure it out and mutter, “Is it that stupid alarm system?” I remember in the past the darn thing beeping for no good reason. So Karlo gets up and investigates. Sure thing, the beeping is coming from the security system panel in our bedroom. But WHY? We have never set the alarm since we moved in.

Well, this went on for the rest of the night. Sometimes the beep would come every 8 seconds (yes, I counted). I felt like I was living an Edgar Allen Poe novel. Sometimes the beep duration was just long enough to fade back into a groggy sleep. But just when I started to lose consciousness, BEEEEEEP. I’m telling ya, I was ready to rip that stupid thing off the wall. Karlo got up and down 10 times trying to reset it, trying to put the passcode in. Of course, he knows nothing about the system because we never took the time to learn about it, so I’m not quite sure what he was trying to do.

Come to find out this morning, our cable signal was intermittent. TV was good for a few minutes and then gone for a minute. Then back, then gone. So we picked up the phone and sure enough, no dial tone. So that explains why the security pad was saying “Communication problem.” Every time that we lost the signal during the night the alarm system blurted out a loud beep to let us know. Gee, thanks.

I’m sure it’s still beeping away all day. The dogs are probably going to go insane. I guess I should post this blog and get on the phone with Charter Communications. Nothing can improve my day more than a frustrating phone ordeal with them. Sigh.


lgaumond said...

Oh... bummer. I'm so sorry you have to deal with Charter. They seem completely useless.

Anonymous said...

all i could do was laugh while reading this because if that had happened while we were all there
we would all have been crying.
i hope the dogs survive and good luck w/ charter :)