Thursday, November 1, 2007

Another Eastford Perk

Guess how many trick-or-treaters we got last night? Exactly ZERO. It was great. Now, I don’t mean to be a Halloween ba-hum-bug, but given that I’m too old to dress up and party and I don’t have little ones to be festive with, what is the point? I just plain don’t like the holiday. In Andover, our night was completely wasted. You couldn’t do anything because the doorbell would ring every five minutes. Then there was the fiasco of trying to hold back the dogs, who were always very interested in running to the door and greeting the poor little goblins that were eye level with the giant hounds. Hold back the dogs, give out the candy, make small talk with people I don’t know. I hated it.

Last night was a normal productive night. I had the light on and I had candy ready . . . I swear. We ate our dinner, uninterrupted, and then we proceeded to get busy with our projects. We even got our peaceful couch/TV time. Yup, I don’t miss the subdivision one tiny little bit. We are happy hermits.


Anonymous said...

we had a quiet night too, 7 trick or treaters at our door all at one
time and that was it. plus, the kids were at a party! the lion and
cheerleader were our favorites.

Anonymous said...

We had 132 children. Yes, I know the count because I set up bags and no they all don't live in our neighborhood. I love the mystery of the little bag, the kids get so excited to open it.
Of course I give good candy with the hopes there is some left for us to eat but Brendan has claimed what little is left.

Anonymous said...

I bought 12 bags of candy ( I don't know exactly how much candy that is Just ALOT) because last year we actually ran out of candy and I had to turn the light off early. I had exactly 15 pieces of candy left when the night was over but that is fine becasue Nikki and Ang were gone for about 2 hours and she came home with so much candy she wouldn't be able to eat in all by Christmas Want Some?? I can't believe how many kids we get each year and it keeps getting more and more every year. I think the word is out that the neighborhood has good candy so everyone comes to our neighborhood. I enjoy seeing all the little kids all dressed up.

Lived in Eastford said...

I lived in Eastford from 2005- 06. Getting no trick or treaters was great. It's beautiful out there. I sold my house because the town raised my takes 47 % after living there just three month.

Lived in Eastford said...

Sorry a typo. They raised my taxes 47%.