My little buddy turned 9 today! How horrifying. Where did all these years go? I hate the thought of him getting older and coming closer to the end of his life. He will always be a puppy to me and he's been spunkier than ever lately. I think he takes after his "Daddy."
We treated the hounds to a nice walk after work today. The photo above is the birthday boy before the walk. The tongue is always shorter before the walk than after!
When we got home we tried to treat Bentley to a "treat" . . . but the poor guy had to share with Peanut.

Did somebody say "treat" again?

And while I'm on the subject of my dogs . . . I love that topic . . . We took them to a doggie park yesterday so that they could play with their cousin Bruno. What a waste of time that was. Our dogs have positively no doggie social skills. They are complete greyhound snobs and just don't get the whole "play" thing. A huge fenced in doggie paradise with several other dogs running around as happy as can be . . . and there's our pathetic hounds standing 3 feet away from us. Just standing there watching the world happen around them. Bentley was trying to figure out where to lay down, while Peanut ventured out going from one human to the next, looking for a pat on the head.
There was her chance to show off as the fastest dog in town and she never even broke into a trot. sigh! Bentley had one fleeting moment where he showed some interest in a cute poodle (don't tell Molly) but the poodle apparently was not worth the effort of walking more than 15 feet. Oh well, her loss, right Bents?
Happy Birthday Bents.... Had I known I would have brought you a "Frosty Paws" when we went to the Doggie park the night before. Anyway Happy Belated Birthday. Love Auntie Penni
Awww. See, the greyhounds think of themselves as people. And those filthy dogs playing in the park are not in the same class as they are. They obth play nicely with Molly. Maybe they save their social interacting for when she's around.
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