Monday, April 30, 2007

A Big Day

Today was sort of a big day. First of all, it's my father's birthday . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! It was also our closing on our new house. I think I should feel more excited than I do right now. The closing was 2 hours of extreme chaos. It was so confusing and stressful. The sellers real estate agent either quit or got fired since we signed the sales contract. So they had no agent representing them and all sorts of disputes against the agency. Then there was us . . . we show up with a check $4,500 short of the amount we should have brought. Uuuuugh. Somebody somewhere screwed up. I guess it was the mortgage guy that made the mistake, but my attorney should have caught it before closing time. And speaking of closing time, the banks were already closed so how the heck was I going to get the money to them? OK, I won't bore you with the details, but it was a long, confusing, and not very exciting ordeal. At one point before we walked out the door, I turned to Karlo and said "holy cow, we own the house!" Karlo's response was "this feels just like when we got married." And by that he meant so much stress and chaos we couldn't enjoy our special day.

Oh well, it's not really all that exciting until we actually move. Today was just about the details, the very scary financials and rental agreements, and all the yucky stuff. Our mortgage guy stopped by the closing and gave us a bottle of champagne that I refuse to open until we are IN THE HOUSE. We may bring it over and share it with Rick & Nancy (the sellers and our new buddies).

The closing took so long that we totally missed my brother's family coming over to take Dad out for dinner. What a bummer. Sorry Dad! But we will celebrate the belated birthday tomorrow so Dad will actually get two birthdays without aging an extra year!


Jamie said...

Uncle John, if you read Paula's Blog (which I'm sure it's the first thing you check in the morning) :), HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

lgaumond said...

Congratulations!!! And happy belated b-day to your dad.

Anonymous said...