Yes, it’s true. I let Karlo highlight my hair last night. What was I thinking? Oh wait, I know what I was thinking . . . I was thinking that I’m starting to get old and my grays are coming in faster, making it impossible for me to go 4 months between my professional hair colorings. I dreaded this day forever and I’m just not sure what to do. How do you “touch up” highlighted hair? If anyone knows the answer to that, I’m all ears! I went to CVS three times and just stood in the hair color isle for 10 minutes trying to pick the appropriate color. Impossible. My hair is several different colors when it’s highlighted. What are the chances that I can cover the gray and make it look like it belongs with the rest of my hair?
So I gave up and bought a whole kit – the base color and the corresponding highlight color. How hard can it be? Well, the answer to that question is HARD!! I was trying to hold off with the professional color job until right before our vacation. And I refuse to pay $100 every 2 months to keep coloring and highlighting my hair to cover the grays. So I held my breath and let Karlo “paint” (as he calls it) my hair.
Maybe Karlo should have been the one reading the instructions!
Do I even need to go further with this story? Disaster. I look ridiculous. I couldn’t be upset with Karlo. He tried really hard. And now he says he knows how to do better next time. Apparently he didn’t grasp the concept of highlighting. There are no strands left uncolored on the top of my head. So basically, the back of my hair is dark brown and the top is . . . . well . . . . orange.
Does anybody have a nice hat selection I could borrow?
So please . . . if you see me within the next 2 months, do NOT comment on my hair. Yes, I know it’s bad. No, I didn’t intend to look like this. It’s only temporary. Amazingly enough I am going to give Karlo another chance in June to improve his hairdressing skills. And no, I’m not going to post any photos of my new doo.
I was asked to do the painting . . . and I did inform Paula that the last time I did a haircut on someone in colledge I had to face face disciplinary action and was thrown out of the casmpus.
Oh Paula. You cannot live for two months with an orange head. You need to color over the "highlights" and make them darker. Then give up the idea of highlights if you want to color your own hair! Or embrace the gray. No, on second thought, just give up the highlights.
Paula, I have been coloring my own hair for about 10 years and as the gray starts to show through it looks like I have highlights and everyone asks me if I just highlighted my hair and they think it looks good. That is my cue that it is time to color again. You are braver than I am I won't let Angelo color my hair and he has asked.
Why the heck do you think you can go 4 months between. When you get serious gray you are lucky if you make it 6 weeks.
hey, can Karlo do my hair next? I'm starting to see TOO MANY gray hairs!
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