But anyway, enough about that place. On to bigger and better things. We got home Friday afternoon and jumped right back into packing up the house. We managed to take another small load and my motorcycle (thanks to Lisa saving the day with the battery charger) to Eastford. Karlo drove it over there for me because it was too cold for me to drive myself. It takes a big man to drive a lavender colored motorcycle!
This was the first time that we were at the house without the owners being home. It was Friday that we finally felt like that place was really going to be OURS. We stood outside and looked around at the property. We took in the quietness and just soaked in the fact that we do love it there. It was the polar opposite of LA and nothing could be better than that! I'm started to get excited . . .
Then Saturday came and the chaos started. The movers arrived at 9 AM and I was completed stressed until the truck was completed loaded. I was stressed because I was convinced that everything wouldn't fit. But luckily just about everything did, and with another trip with our own truck it will finally be a done deal.
Here's me on move day.
Now we are getting settled in at Dads. Obviously I got my computer all set up and online. Lord knows where most of my clothes are, but who cares. As long as I have my computer and internet, I'm all good. The dogs are so scared and confused I'm not sure what to do with them. They won't eat and they are mostly just pacing around. Poor dogs. I feel so bad for them. But on a brighter note, I was able to find Fox on Dad's TV with no cable. Now I'm really all good. I got internet AND American Idol. Maybe this won't be so bad after all.
I am sure the dogs will settle in fine when we moved in with Dad, when they were building our house, our poor dog had to live in the basement .. He wasn't aloud in the house. My how Dad has mellowed. Maybe we will actually see you more now that you are living at Dad's And Bruno wants to know when he can get together with his cousins.
Don't be sad, it's very exciting! I had my own "this is the last time" moment on Friday when I dropped the dogs off at the house. But rather than thinking aobut the "last times", I'd rather think about the "first times". The first time I get to see the new house. The first time you have us over for dinner. The first trout we catch in your pond. It's going to be great! Congratulations and feel free to stop by our house any time you want to get out. Our door is always open!
Lisa, you guys are simply the best!
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