Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Netflix DVD That I've Been Waiting For

This has to be the best Netflix DVD that has ever arrived in our mailbox. It's not exactly a movie, but a means of watching movies via our Wii console. For whatever reason this functionality has been built into the PS3 forever, but finally made it's way to the Wii. Karlo and I haven't streamed a movie to our TV in months because we are far too lazy to hook up the laptop. And to think, we have a little toy laptop for this specific reason. But still, booting it up, hooking up the monitor, inserting the streaming audio device, squatting down by the laptop trying to pick a movie . . . it all took the fun out of watching the darn movie.

But now, supposedly, we will be able to insert this magic DVD into our Wii console and stream movies directly from our online cue. I'm very excited about this. I'm not quite sure why, as we can barely watch the one movie that arrives in the mail in any given week. But still, just knowing that we can stream, when and if we find the time, makes me happy. Let's just hope I have the patience to set it up and learn how to use it.

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

Hahahahahaha! You? Patience? Those two words don't go together.

You're going to have to spend a bunch of time adding movies to your Instant Queue (different than the mail-it-to-me Queue). Other than that, it's a piece of cake.

I love my Roku and the streaming Netflix. It's all I watch.