Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Did you sing that title? My father can not be trusted!!! We are very lucky that we still have two dogs . . . Seems our hounds have been getting braver and braver in Hartford. At first they just ran to the back of the yard, did their thing and came right back. But we noticed that with each day and each trip outside, they started to venture off further and further. Bentley decided it was much nicer to poop in the neighbor’s yard and would take off on a mission, not listening to Karlo yelling at him. Very unlike our perfectly behaved pooch. See what living in the city can do to ya?

So based on this bad behavior, I left Dad a note yesterday asking him to NOT let the dogs out!!! We already bought a fence the night before and yesterday we planned to come right home and set up the fence. After which time, Dad could let the dogs out to his heart’s content. But did Dad listen to my request?? Of course not. He not only let them out once, but he let them out twice. And he managed to lose one dog each time.

First Peanut took off on him (which is exactly what I would expect to happen). So Dad had to get in his car and go find her. Next, it was Bentley that decided to go sightseeing. Poor Dad was walking up and down the street looking for him, when some guy gave him a tip that there was a tall skinny dog wandering around a block away. So Dad jumped in his car again and took off after Bentley. He looked all over and couldn’t find him . . . so he went home and there was Bentley in the backyard.

All this drama and all this stress and I knew nothing about – which is probably a good thing. I would have had a nervous breakdown at work yesterday. And on top of everything else, Peanut threw up on the carpet after her adventures eating grass outside. My goodness . . . my father’s day would have been much easier if he didn’t let the dogs out!


lgaumond said...

Those BAD dogs. It must be all that city air.

Anonymous said...

When I read yesterdays blog, I knew you were bound to lose a dog cause Dad NEVER listens I wish I knew about the drauma of yesterday too. I could have helped him find the dogs and maybe bring them to the dog park so they could run to their hearts content and get tired ( what would that take about 10 minutes) and maybe sleep the rest of the day and Dad wouldn't be tempted to let them out.

Anonymous said...

They both have Boomer-itis. It is a disease of all dogs who live in that house!