Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Don't Like Cities

Did I ever mention that before? For the most part cities are loud, dirty, and over crowded with strange people who are mostly in my way and for some strange reason are compelled to talk to me. I just don't like it. But I tried to make the most of my stay in Atlanta today. I started out with a lovely little breakfast at the Corner Bakery (one of the few benefits of the city - cool places to eat everywhere). I went back to the hall and got my work done much sooner than I expected. This left me plenty of time to relax. Since I missed "Gup" so much I decided to go to the relatively new Atlanta Aquarium and get my fish fix.

And in the spirit of the Olympics, I took a few strolls through the Olympic Park.

I even had time to go back to my hotel and lounge by the pool. Hey, maybe this day wasn't so bad after all. I lounged and read my water-logged book. After glancing at my watch I realized that Oprah was on and I haven't taken the time to watch Oprah in ages. Yipppe. I ran back to my room, turned on the TV, got settled on the bed and got the dreaded phone call that I was needed back at the show floor. uuuugh. There went Oprah and here comes a 20 minute (one way) walk in the afternoon city heat. Nothing is worse than city heat. The heat coming off the asphalt is only half of it. In addition to that you have the exhausts of all the traffic zipping by mere inches from your legs and random huge exhaust vents pumping hot air onto the sidewalk (as if all the other hot humid air wasn't enough). Did I mention that I don't like cities?

If I ever complain about my 15 mile drive to go buy a loaf of bread please remind me how much I love living in the middle of the woods.


lgaumond said...

When strange people are compelled to talk to you, don't be afraid. It's called "friendliness". You may have never notice this phenomenon before because you're too busy scowling and hating the city.

The pictures were lovely and I'm glad you're having some fun between the bouts of misery!

How's the MacBook?

Unknown said...

Update on the Mac. . . it's drying out and looking better every day.

I wish the world was as happy as Lisa portrays it. These people taking to me are homeless weirdo freaks that are mostly talking to themselves and/or whomever walks by. But if everyone wants to believe that it's just friendly southern hospitality, that's fine. We'll just go with that.

lgaumond said...

Hey, my world is that happy.

And speaking of happy, great news about the MacBook!