Saturday, August 16, 2008

Off to Hotlanta

The depression is starting to sink in. I hate this feeling of knowing that impending travel is coming up all too soon. Given the fact that I only have half the weekend you would think I would really enjoy the time I do have at home. But I can't get my mind off the dread of driving to the airport tomorrow. This stinks.

Because I'm getting ripped off this weekend I decided to take Friday off. It was great. I did nothing productive at all. I expected rain, but was thrilled when the sun was out for most of the day. I hung out on the deck, read magazines, played with my dogs, just simply relaxed. I so needed that mental vacation. It was nice to spend some good quality time with myself.

Today I tried to spend some good quality time with Karlo. We started off the morning talking to the wood stove salesman that was nice enough to come out to our house. We wanted to order the biggest stove we could possibly fit to keep this house as toasty as possible without oil this winter. The stove is now ordered and we can finally rest knowing that it will be installed before the cold weather starts. After that it was time to test out our new bike route. The weather stayed perfect for our entire three hour ride and it was awesome. I would SWEAR that we rode all the way to Vermont or New Hampshire. I still can't get over how spectacularly beautiful it is out here. Love it. Actually, we loved it so much we went out for more after lunch, only this time with the help of a motor.

And now I'm all packed up and getting sadder by the minute. Tomorrow afternoon I take off (all alone) for Atlanta. Not the most ideal destination for mid-August. Drat. Not that it matters much because I'll be working 10 hour days, in the air conditioning. I'm bringing Mac and hopefully I'll find some time to blog so that I can complain publicly about my crappy week. I bet you can't wait for that . . .

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