Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1 of My Photo Class

I'm not sure if I'll have time for this, but since I'm already committed to taking a photo every day I thought I would give it a try. My buddy Michelle invited me to do a 30-day online photo class with her. I thought it sounded like fun and even if I can't do my assignment every day, the days I can do it should be interesting. Not to mention it will take the normal daily picture taking pressure off me for 30 days.

So today our assignment was to take a picture of colors that represent our bliss. At first I wanted to take a picture of some jewelry and pieces of glass that I use in the kiln. I figured they would represent many of the colors that I love, and making pretty things usually brings me bliss. But the pictures didn't turn out so well. I was rushing like crazy as I tried to set up the shot with thunder booming and the winds were picking up around me.

Failed idea #1

Then Jess came outside and asked me a simple question, "What is your favorite color?" and my answer was "pink and purple." She looked in the window and saw a purple yoga mat sitting on the chair. That's when she suggested yoga as a source of my bliss and I wanted to hit myself over the head with a yoga block. Duh, but of course. And how convenient that my mat is pink (Karlo's is purple) and my blocks are purple. The added bonus was that my mat bag is yellow and pink striped fabric. Yellow is my sneaky alternate favorite color. Bingo. Problem solved.

The best part is that I had the camera in manual mode to take the photo. Kudos. And a big thanks to Jess for helping out. What am I going to do when she goes back home? :-(

1 comment:

tina said...

jess can be your new assistant and hold all of your cameras/lenses on your photo shoots. give her a new job and she can stay forever...