Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Real Estate Hell

Well, as you know we got an offer a couple of days ago . . . or was it yesterday. Honestly, the past 24 hours have felt endless! I know I kept some of you hanging by going all day today and not posting any outcomes. That is because it took ALL DAY to get some news from my agent. I truly don't know WHAT I was thinking when I started house shopping. I completely lost my mind. This is the most stressful, unpleasant ordeal - EVER.

I'm not going to bore you with all the frustrating details. Let's just say that I'm not happy with real estate agents right now. And to think I used to want to be one. Ick the thought of it gives me shivers right now. I'm sure these evil feelings toward agents will go away with time, but right now, if you're an agent, don't come near me.

So I just faxed the signed contract to my agent. It's not even close to the way I demanded it. But as usual, I backed down and gave in. I just can't take the pressure and the future regrets if I didn't go for it.

And now the hell really begins. First I have to endure the 7 - 10 days of waiting for the inspections. Provided all that goes well, then we will have approximately 2 weeks to pack up the entire house. I still think this is an impossible task for Karlo and I do in that time frame. Karlo thinks anything is possible and to him, it's no big deal. To me, it's the end of the world.

I am overwhelmed with the generosity that friends have already poured out. Tina wants to help us move and Lisa has even offered to let us LIVE with her. Yes, me and Karlo and the two stinky hounds. In case you all don't know Lisa, the woman is an angel with a saint's heart.

I'm still not sure exactly where we will live during our period of transition. We will probably start at Dad's. Any excuse to continue on my cleaning rampage in his house. He won't be able to stop me if I live there!

I plan to continue to write semi-daily blog entries (despite the fact that we may be homeless). For sure my stories will get more interesting over these next few months.

Time to go, American Idol is starting. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations! this is all going
to work out great for you both so
just remember you are getting
closer and closer to your dream home. now i can't wait to hear
about the police tickets. good luck