Sunday, February 11, 2007

Today is a Big Day!

Not only is today Tina's Birthday . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINA!!!!! Hope you had a great day and I'm sorry I didn't catch up with you today.

But tonight is also the long awaited reunion of The Police, my childhood obsession. I have awaited this day for more years than I can count. Can you believe they are finally getting back together to perform? OK, I'm sure this isn't nearly as important to anybody, as it is to me. But this is big for me!! Now, if Karlo will cooperate and not ruin my 5 minutes of bliss, tonight will be a mark in history.

Roxanne . . . . .


lgaumond said...

As sexy as I agree that Sting is... that picture make him look O-L-D old! Maybe it's the sleeveless shirt, I don't know. But in my head he's still foxy. So how was the reunion? I didn't watch.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tina!!!! I hope it was a good one. We should go celebrate at Boppers! ha ha ha