Only problem was that when we arrived at the house we realized that we forgot our garage door opener - our only way in to get our stuff. uuuugh. I had no choice but to plot my break-in through the doggie door. I was scared to death. Despite the fact that Rick told us several times how to work the house alarm, I knew beyond a doubt that I would set it off. Yikes. Well, I got half way in the doogie door and heard everyone yelling "they're here!" as Rick and Nancy pulled into the driveway. Thank goodness that stress ended. And come to find out, the house was even armed!
So Saturday we got our first taste of what it's like to have to run out to do an errand. It was about 15+ miles away and took us well over an hour to get back. That is not exactly ideal and I moaned a little about how much it's gonna suck. However, yesterday we got our first taste of what bicycling and motorcycling was like out there. In one word -- SPECTACULAR!!!!!
First we took a bike ride with our coworker friends. They had their baby in tow (in a trailer) and we rode in the middle of the road for just about the whole 8-10 mile trip. I think we encountered about a half dozen cars the entire time. It was the best bike ride I ever took in this country! It beat the pants off the Vermont rides - no huge hills, no cow stinks and no attack dear flies. I was simply stunned at how pleasant it was.
But that's only half the story. Next, we jumped on our motorcycles and went for a ride. This was beyond specatular. I can't think of a stronger word to describe it. We drove 5 miles out from the house and back and it was paradise. Part of the trip was on a dirt road, part was a primary trail and the other part was what appeared to be paved logging roads through the most beautiful pine forrest. I wish I had a helmet cam to share with you the beauty. You're just gonna have to come out for a visit and see it yourself.

After a few hours of pure bliss out in the country, we headed back to Hartford on Karlo's bike. Right off the exit we were sitting at a red light on Airport Road and in the side view mirror I see a car approaching us (in our lane) at top speed. It was VERY obvious that this idiot was not going to stop for the light. I'm telling you . . . my life passed before my eyes. I was preparing myself to get rear ended and for sure DIE. As this @$@^$ got within one car length of us, he swerved into the right lane and flew right through the red light. What would have happened if that lane was not clear? I do NOT even want to think about it. I felt sick to my stomach. I promise I will never complain about having to drive out to civilization from Eastford. I couldn't be happier to get as far away from people and traffic as I can get.
And we wasted no time getting the heck out of Hartford. We fed the dogs, threw them in the car and headed out to a great little party in Andover. Stupid me didn't take any pictures there. Lisa, I need some! Thanks for the great night :-)
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