I have been believing, practicing and preaching the teachings in this book for years. I am a firm believer in the power of our minds. Think it and it becomes your reality. This is one thing that Karlo and I see eye to eye on. He believes this too and reminds me of it just about every day. Of course, there are plenty of times . . . like when I have some excruciating injury and he tells me "oh come on, it's all in your head" that I want to smack him . . . But ultimately he's right. Most things are just in our heads. Whatever we are thinking will become our reality. So if I'm thinking and focusing on the pain, chances are, it will hurt even more.
So I got this book because 1) I love this entire concept and read lots of books like these, and 2) I thought I could use an extra boost of positive energy in my life. In the past, when I really focused on needing positive things in my life, I was always able to bring them my way. It really is a mind set. I often get trapped in cycles of stress and worry where my stressing over something just brings more stress about something else. The cycle must be broken.
Right now I'm just trying to focus on NOT stressing about our finances. Buying this new house was taking a big leap of faith. I'm trying to stay positive and believe that we can handle this and it will all work out. We REALLY need to sell some property (in Maine or CT) in order to keep my sanity so I'm thinking that by focusing on it, it will come true. I've been telling myself that 'good fortunes will come my way.' I am never very detailed in my thoughts. I mean, I don't want to discount somebody giving me a winning lotto ticket, so I thought I would keep things more broad based. And I'll be darned. In the last two weeks since I started reading the book, all sorts of unexpected checks have come in the mail. For instance, we overpaid our home equity loan by $220 and got a check back in the mail; We over paid our cable company and got a check back in the mail for the overage; We got our rebates from recent purchases; We got a rather large and quite unexpected check from our mortgage company. (I still don't even know what it was for, but I ain't asking!); I even got a check for $2.45 from my bank (what on Earth?); and you ready for this . . . I opened a credit card bill from a card that I thought I cancelled last month. Guess what it said? I had a $60 CREDIT!
Ok, so maybe it's all coincidence and if that's what you want to believe, that's fine. But I believe that I drew all these things to me by my thoughts. This stuff works! Every single thing in your life is a result of your thoughts - whether you want to believe it or not. Think good thoughts - have a good life. Thing bad thoughts and, well, you get the idea. Go spend the $13 on the book and give it a try.
1 comment:
thanks for sharing this w/us.
i believe too!!
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