I spent the past two days in Springfield setting up our trade show booth. Yeah, I know I talked about this very unglamourous portion of my job before, but this time it's worse. I have been so spoiled the past few years doing these shows with Karlo. I got very used to him being around and him knowing what to do with this incredibly intricate and difficult booth. But I'm not always lucky enough to be able to steal him away from his real job to help me out. And since this nonsense IS my 'real job' I'm stuck with it.
Now here I am . . . a graphic designer, a writer, an editor, an all around Marketing genious :-) (hee hee) and did ANY of my college education come in handy for this job? No, not really. All of the things I currently do at work, I pretty much taught myself. OK, except for my English skills! And what part of my childhood education came in MOST helpful these past two days?? My carpenter apprenticeship!!! Yes, being the daughter of a carpenter has saved my tail.
It just astonishes me how incompetent some people are. I guess I just assume that men have mechnical abilities and know-how. Perhaps I'm just really spoiled having my Dad for a dad and Karlo for a husband.
But the fact of the matter is that I must be way more mechancial inclined than most. I just spent 2 days leading the three blind mice. I had 3 strapping young guys to help with the booth install and none of them could function without my direction. And two of these guys have put the booth up several times in the past. And did I mention one was my manager?? It was simply incredible. All I have to say is THANKS DAD for teaching me how to be a little carpenter. Who knew that I would actually need these skills so much in my "professional" career? Go figure.