From the moment I laid eyes on the master bathroom vanity I couldn’t wait to use it. The idea of gazing out at the beautiful backyard as I sit there . . . I thought I would feel like a princess with this elaborate make-up station. After the harsh camping conditions at Dad’s (I had all my makeup in one little bag and sat that bag on the toilet seat every morning) where I had to hunt and peck to find anything, I knew having a vanity would be a huge treat. And it is . . .
However it is incredibly scary to see yourself in harsh daylight. Holy smokes. The only good thing about fall coming is the fact that the sun is not really up by the time I’m doing my makeup. If you ever want to get depressed, go sit outside in the sunlight and look really close at yourself in the mirror. For me that is horrifying. I see every gray hair, every fine line, every skin imperfection. I’m ready to never want to go out in broad daylight again. Funny, I thought I looked much better when we were living at Dad’s. I have learned a very important lesson that low lighting is key. For every 5 years I age, I’m reducing the wattage in the light bulbs by 10 watts. Pretty soon we will be sitting in nothing but candle light!
You should have put up a picture of the burned wood and told the story of the vanity mirror almost burning the house down!
Good idea. That story will come later . . . Stay tuned.
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