Monday, March 24, 2008

The Best Sign of Spring

Easter didn't really feel like Easter. It might have been because we didn't celebrate and instead cleaned the house and worked on the book. When I remember Easters from my childhood, I remember walking to church in my new spring clothes, and I always remember the yellow and purple flowers in bloom in our front yard. I have no idea if Dad's flowers are already starting to bloom, but Eastford looks deader than a doornail. We are so far from anything sprouting. Karlo thinks that his mother is going to get to see everything bloom during April. I think he's going to be disappointed. I remember it getting to be Memorial Day before we got leaves back in Andover. In Eastford, it may be the Fourth of July before we see signs of life.

But with that said, it is nice to take my evening showers and get to look out at the pond in the back yard. The other night I was washing my hair and watching a new duck couple that has taken residence in our pond. The extra day lights is so nice.

And now we are starting to wake up to the sounds of birds chirping. It's still pitch dark, but the birds are out there singing. I like that.

And the best sign of Spring, I just saw today . . . the first street sweeper cleaning the sand off the roads in Tolland. It won't be long before it's safe to get out on two wheels again. Yipppeee.

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