Friday, March 14, 2008

I Love Fridays

Saturdays used to be my favorite day of the week, but now I think Fridays have taken over as the best day. With our work-out schedule and other extra curricular activities, my weeks are getting very draining. Between my dance classes, meditation classes, YogaDudes work, hours of P90X, and book editing, I’m simply exhausted. Take yesterday for example . . . I was busy at work all day, did a tough weight lifting session at lunch time with Karlo, left work a little late and scrambled at home as a result. We did our one hour of P90X, and that barely left time for me to scarf down a frozen burrito (microwaved first, of course) before I had to leave for my . . . ready for this? . . . country line dancing class.

How embarrassing! I still can’t believe I’m taking this class. I HATE country music. It’s painful to my ears. But my neighbor informed me that this was happening in Eastford. Yes, that wasn’t a typo. The classes are being held in EASTFORD. I didn’t think anything went on in this sleepy town. How could I resist? So I went out and met some ‘town folk” . . . kind of scary. And it wasn’t all bad. I did my own thing. Have you ever seen a hip hop country line dancer? Well, that’s me! Tina, where are you when I need you? We would be the stars – just like old times!

After getting back from class, I had just enough time to take my shower and meditate before I fell asleep on the couch. The only night (since the start of P90X) that I stayed awake until 10 PM was the night we ‘sprung ahead’ - which means I actually only made it until 9 PM that night. How pathetic. I need a break.

So here we are at Friday and I’m thrilled. No P90X today. How glorious. Tonight, I’m going to leave work and go home . . . period. Nothing scheduled, no chores, no deadlines, no nothing. I can’t wait. Fridays are the best.

I reminded Karlo that next Friday is Good Friday and he, still confused about holidays, questioned, “Why is it good?” My answer was, “Because we don’t have to go to work.” Then I realized that we also don’t have to do P90X and then determined that it should be called “Great Friday” instead.


Anonymous said...

i cannot believe this...i was just
saying to myself last week that i
wanted to look into taking country
line dancing and figured the only
place they would be offered was
out in the sticks, so i was right.

Anonymous said...

Tina, It is also offered at teh Cadillac Ranch in Southington which is not nearly as far out as Eastford.