Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Birthday CA Sue

After forgetting to post a birthday wish to Sue ON HER BIRTHDAY last year, I couldn’t make that same mistake again this year . . . (especially since she called to remind me yesterday). And I guess this is the perfect time to tell an amusing little story about the significance of Sue’s birthday . . .

Six years ago, Sue called me up the morning of March 4th to give me some big scoop. Sue is always great with fun stories and great scoop and this morning she was bursting at the seams with a story for me. This particular day was a Monday and Sue had run into a coworker of mine in a casino in Tahoe. Now, what were the chances of that? As she sat across from this guy she couldn’t help but thinking he looked familiar. They eyed each other for a few minutes until finally one had to ask the other, “Do I know you?” It didn’t take them long to figure out the connection – they both knew me.

Well apparently this coworker, Doug, also had some juicy scoop that was supposed to be a secret, but he figured it was safe to tell a friend that lived 3,000 miles away from me. Little did Doug know that Sue and I spoke nearly every day. So he lets on that he knows that “something big was going to happen real soon” between Karlo and I. He wasn’t specific, but how hard was it to guess?

So Sue called me at approximately 5 AM West coast time the next day to tell me that she had an informant tell her that Karlo was going to propose and soon. My reaction was that she had lost her mind. How on Earth would my coworker know this information? Karlo was not working here at the time and why would he tell anyone I work with?

Well, two hours after that phone call Karlo arrived at my office to say goodbye, as he was leaving for another business trip. He was all dressed up in a suit (which was very strange) and he was nervously pacing around. I still wasn’t putting two and two together. Don’tcha know . . . he proposed! I’m not even sure if I officially gave him a yes before I had to grab the phone and call Sue with the news.

So you see, Sue never forgets to call me to wish me a happy engagement anniversary because how could she ever forget that? Happy Birthday Sue. Hope you have a great day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birhtday sue!
i remember you telling me that
story and it is great to hear it
again. happy engagement day!