Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh the Dread

This afternoon is my appointment with an accountant. It's that awful time of year again - tax time. I hate it. I especially hate all the commercials that come on TV in the Spring with all the suggestions on how to spend your "tax rebate check." I want to scream. It feels like they are rubbing it in our faces that some fortunate people actually get money BACK. I don't want to hear about it. I can't remember the last time I got money back. I was probably still in college. Sigh.

Today I'm meeting our new account. I had to fire the last incompetent idiot after he made a terrible mistake on our returns two years ago. I won't even go into that nightmare, but the expensive repercussions came just after we moved into our new house. The last letter you want to get in the mail (after you dished out all kinds of money on new house goods) is from the IRS, informing you that you owe lots of money including interest and penalties.

I hope I like this new accountant. I hope he puts my mind at ease. I hope he manages to make my side business look profitable so that I don't get audited. I hope he tells me that our huge mortgage is going to solve all of our tax problems. Maybe he's the tax fairy. Oh wouldn't that be nice . . . .

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

Ug. Good luck to you.