Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Want to Make Your Brain Hurt?

Try reading some of Karlo's book. My days and nights are consumed by editing his manuscript. Just to give you an idea of what this is like, I'm going to give you a taste. Here's a typical paragraph:

"Measure your A-axis diameter and multiply it by Pi. This will be the circumference. Draw a rectangle where the Y side is the circumference and the X side is the length of the part. Create your cut geometry inside this rectangle. Create a 3-axis toolpath XYZ and activate axis substitution by defining your A-axis diameter first. On a Bostomatic controller, for example, this is achieved by adding two lines of code . . . "

I'm not even going to give you the lines of code he refers to. Did you all understand that? Can you IMAGE reading and editing this stuff, over and over, day after day? So, are you all still excited for the book to be released? Hmmmm, that's what I thought.

I will be amazed if my brain doesn't explode before this is all over and done with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just think of all the people you will be teaching about this and all
the money you will that made ya smile.