Friday, March 7, 2008

Phase 1 Complete

Today is my official “rest” day, as I’m in between P90X Phases. Yesterday was the final day of Phase 1. This means I’m one third of the way there. It also means I’m that much closer to the really hard stuff. Great! After just 4 weeks, I can really feel a difference in my body. I’m already much stronger (and I was strong to begin with). I feel toned everywhere and my cardio conditioning came back quickly. I’m also getting crazy spring fever and anxious to get back on a bike.

And this will be obvious if you find yourself in our house anytime soon. I have a growing pile of new biking gadgets taking over the hallway. So far I bought new shoes, a new jersey, a Camelbak, water bottles, sunglasses, and even pedals for a bike I don’t even own yet. Oh yeah, I’m even considering purchasing another bike . . . because the three I already ride just aren’t enough.

I didn’t even realize that this weekend is the official “Spring Ahead.” Is it me, or does that seem really early this year? In the short term it’s actually going to stink because we will be back to getting up in the pitch dark. I hate that. And we will also be stuck indoors working out so the extra daylight isn’t really all that exciting. But soon we will be done with the training hell. We’ll be back out on the road (or in the woods), breathing in the fresh air, and soaking in the sunshine. I’m ready!

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