Sunday, March 30, 2008

Food Overload

I think I'm going to need to diet after a month of eating Karlo's mother's home cookin'. I am in a constant state of feeling stuffed. And I've also been slacking with the photos. Last night we had Paprikash, which is basically Hungarian goulash, but less soupy. I'm not a big fan of beef and only had a tiny mouthful of the meat, but the potatoes are to die for. YUMMY. The night before we had an interesting concoction, but without Karlo here, I can't even come close to remembering what it was called. Apparently it's the staple to the Hungarians' diet. It's like pasta to an Italian. Actually it is sort of pasta. Pasta noodles with potatoes, mashed beyond recognition. It was unreal. I loved it and would be happy eating it every night, but talk about a carb overload. Wow, too bad weren't not biking yet.

Tonight, it's going to be Cockaslavish (I hope there are no Hungarians finding this blog because they will be in hysterics looking at that word I just typed). No idea how to spell it, but that's what it sounds like. The literal translation is "Rooster soup." Don't worry, we're not going to hunt down any roosters out here in the woods and sacrifice them for our dinner. It's just the name. No actual roosters will be harmed. And we are not even quite sure that we have the right ingredients. It's still somewhat of a mystery what is needed to make the sponge-like objects that float in the soup. After inspecting every box in both the baking and the pasta isles at Big Y, we took our best guess. I almost had to call Lisa for help, but I couldn't even formulate a question based on the sketchy description I was getting from Karlo. Tonight will be very interesting to see what materializes from the mystery wheat powder in the box.

The funniest part of our shopping trip was that Karlo's mother said that our quarter carriage full of food (approx. $75) was enough food for two weeks. Now, either she truly is a magician or she has not feed Karlo in a very long time! This I have to see. If she can teach me how to feed that man for $100 every two weeks, I will be very impressed.

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