Friday, January 25, 2008

I Can't Believe I Didn't Invent These

Have you ever run across a new product that so precisely answers your needs that you can't believe you didn't think of it first? In one day I discovered three new products like that. Somebody must have had me in mind when they came up with these. One of these days I'm going to invent something too. Here are my new great finds:

Dot band-aids

This is amazing. How long have these existed? These bandaids are called "Oval Dots." Yes, DOTS. The exact word that I used to describe my evil skin affliction. And they are perfect for covering my "dots." This is too good to be true. I need to get a case of them. Here's one on my finger now:

Fleece Scarf with Pockets
This is sheer brilliance. I have been known to wear winter scarves indoors all day long. I like to wear them at work because I wrap my hands with them to keep them warm in cold conference rooms. It is crucial for me to try to keep my hands warm to avoid the need for the above mentioned brilliant item. Now I can actually put my hands into cozy fleece pockets. Love this!

Drying Mitts
I love this idea too. I think this would make drying wet dishes a whole lot easier. These mittens are super absorbent and won't streak dished and glasses. I need these too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Dot bandaids" or spot bandaids have been around for as long as You have! I remember using them as a kid and we use then on the babies at work I can't believe you have never seen them before.