Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Not a Particularly Good Day

Remember when I described how good socks can make my day? Not only did I have Columbia socks on my "Paula's Favorites" list, but I get thrilled to get socks for Christmas. I am truly a fan of nice socks. But at the same time, bad socks can ruin my day . . . And today is one of those days. I have terrible, non soft, slouchy socks on. And the worst part is that I'm wearing boots that make the slouchy socks even worse. With every step, they slide even further down my foot. This means that every 200 steps or so, I have to unzip my boot and hike up my socks. This is getting old real quick. I need to keep an emergency sock reserve in my desk for days like this.

And that's not the only dark cloud shadowing my day. Yesterday I got that familiar, tingly, strange feeling in some of my fingers. My heart sank as dread swept over me. That's right - it's winter and that means it's time for my dots to sprout. It's my own fault. One day last week we went for a hike and I didn’t wear gloves because I wanted to take pictures. Remember that cute picture of Karlo and Peanut by the river? Well, it came at the price of 3 new dots. Today there are only tell-tale signs that they are coming. My fingers are getting very sensitive and I can see the round mounds forming. From here it will be 2 weeks of hell as they grow worse every day until they finally heal. What a joy. And did I wear gloves this morning, knowing that my dots are starting to form? No, I forgot. I better just stop complaining now because I deserve what I get.


lgaumond said...

Oh I hate sicks like that! Just take them off and throw them away! It would be better tlo be sockles that to have to deal with that all day.

OK, now I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but they make these things now called "gloves" with individual finger covers that work great for taking pictures outside. They're pretty amazing.

And also? You can take your gloves or mittens off just when you need to take a picture, you know. That way the other 90% of the time your hands are warm.

And drink more water! Water helps everything... except your socks. Nothing will make those any better.

Karlo said...

Wear your mittens!!!!