Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I Can't Decide

I've been doing pretty good with my New Year's resolution of exercising every day. Not only do I lift weights with Karlo at lunch time - religiously - but after work I pick between my new Zumba videos, my PlayStation personal trainer, and going for a very brisk hike/jog in our trails. Any of these choices are good ones. I often tend to lean toward the easiest or the most fun choice. Yes, I'm getting to be sort of a slacker in my old age.

I've already talked about Zumba and how much fun it is. I think maybe I'm not getting a good enough work out if I'm having that much fun. Then there's the PS2 game - YourselfFitness. I got this for Christmas and it has to be the greatest concept in gaming. I have my own personal trainer (and she's MUCH nicer than my other personal trainer - Karlo). She tracks my progress and gives me a good no frills basic work out of my choice. I'm not exactly sure why I'm even considering throwing yet another choice into this mix.

But something has me intrigued. A coworker just started a kick-butt work out routine. It supposedly claims a "ripped body" in 90 guaranteed. This sounds great. The only problem is surviving the 90 days. It's a very intense and militant routine, not to mention a big time commitment. The program is called P90X and you can check out their website here. You may have seen the infomercials. I read some reviews and everybody agrees on one thing . . . The program works, but it's HARD. I just don't know if I'm tough enough or motivated enough.

Karlo has agreed to go through this torture along with me so now I really have to make a decision. I'm thinking of taking it on for February/March/April which would put us in great biking shape for the beginning of the season. Well, it will do that . . . or kill us both. Then there's the whole issue of that big scary number coming up in July. I need to prepare for that. Uuuugh, I just can't decide!!!

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