Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Cousin Rocks

I just realized that title has a double meaning. Not only does he rock out in a band, but he "rocks" rocks. Yesterday I pulled up to my mailbox and I'm never all too excited to look in. Every day it's the same old thing . . . a slew of catalogs that I can't shop in and bills. How depressing. But yesterday I found a small box. Now what could that be? I've been very good and haven't shopped online since Christmas.

I took a close look and the return address was my cousin Jamie. Now I'm really curious. I talk to Jamie often and he never mentioned that he was going to send me anything. I couldn't wait to come inside and open it up.

And to my delight, inside the box was this Snoopy T-shirt. Without saying a word, he bought and shipped me the shirt. After seeing it in the store, he thought of me (how could you not?) but he actually bought it and took the time to mail it to me. Jamie, I can't thank you enough. That was so incredibly thoughtful. What a guy!!! Sorry any single ladies out there . . . he's already married.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great cousin and a great
shirt too